Friday, January 22, 2010

Seven Steps to Answered Prayer

Seven Steps to Answered Prayer


Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Wednesday, January 03, 2007 7:00 AM


Scripture References

Joshua 1:8

Psalm 119:11

Matthew 4:4, 7-11

1 Timothy 6:12

John 16:23, 24

Matthew 7:7, 8

Mark 11:23, 24



Every Believer should have a prayer life that is based on the Word of God. The first two steps to receiving answers to your prayers are to be specific in asking God for what you want and believing that you receive those things that you pray for.

  1. The first step to receiving answers to your prayers is to be specific while standing on God's promises.
    1. Decide what you want and find scriptures that pertain to the promise you believe will come to pass in your life.
    2. Learn to pray according to God's Word.
    3. Faith begins where the will of God is known.
      1. God's Word is His will.
      2. You must take time to read the Word to confirm what you are praying for.
    4. Continually meditate on the Word of God so that your heart may be established on the promise (Joshua 1:8).
      1. Allow the Scriptures to become firmly fixed in your heart and mind (Psalm 119:11).
      2. Success in life comes from meditating in God's Word.
      3. Your spirit is fed by the Word of God (Matthew 4:4).
    5. When the devil comes to challenge the Word you have been meditating on, speak what God has written like Jesus did when He was tempted (Matthew 4:7-11). The devil will leave you when you speak God's Word.
      1. Know that the enemy will try to oppose your prayers.
      2. Fight the good fight of faith by opening your mouth and speaking the Word (1 Timothy 6:12).
        1. The Word is your weapon of spiritual warfare where prayer is concerned.
  2. The second step to receiving answers to your prayers is to believe you receive those things that you pray for.
    1. The Bible instructs you to ask God for what you want (John 16:23, 24).
      1. You must ask if you are expecting to receive (Matthew 7:7, 8).
    2. Don't base your ability to receive on whether you can perceive your request with your natural senses.
      1. Something may be a fact, but that doesn't make it the truth.
      2. Facts can change, but the truth is eternal and never changes.
      3. Circumstances may be factual, but God's Word is the truth that will set you free from the facts of negative circumstances.
    3. You must have confidence in God in order to see the manifestation of His promises.
    4. Believe that you receive and speak what you believe and you will have it (Mark 11:23, 24).




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Seven Steps to Answered Prayer : Step One


Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Sunday, January 21, 2007 11:00 AM


Scripture References

Joshua 1:8

Matthew 4:4, 7-11

1 Timothy 6:12




The first step to answered prayer is to be specific and stand on God's promises. Decide what you want from God's Word and meditate on the scripture that relates to the promise until your heart becomes established on it. Speak the Word of God when the enemy attacks you. Stand and fight for what God promised you in His Word.

    1. Decide what you want to receive from God.
      1. Example: healing, deliverance, financial increase, debt cancellation, household salvation, etc.
    2. Find the supporting scripture.
      1. You must have the Word of God on the subject before you can have faith to receive it.
      2. Faith begins where the will of God is known.
      3. The will of God is the Word of God.
        1. If you don't have the Word of God on the subject, you won't be confident when you pray.
      1. Meditation means to mutter, ponder and consider something.
    1. Success comes from meditating on God's Word (Joshua 1:8).
    2. Meditate on the scripture until it becomes more real to you than your situation or circumstance.
      1. Doubt and fear will short-circuit your prayers.
    1. Just as food nourishes your physical body, the Word nourishes your spirit.
    2. Man doesn't survive on natural food alone, but on spiritual food as well-the Word of God (Matthew 4:4).
    1. You will defeat Satan by using the weapon of God's Word.
    2. Speak what is written.
      1. When you nourish your spirit with the Word, you will have victory over demonic forces.
    1. Fight for the promises of God.
      1. When you meditate on the Word and it becomes fixed in your heart, it will change your situations and circumstances.




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Seven Steps to Answered Prayer : Step Two


Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Sunday, January 28, 2007 11:00 AM


Scripture References

Matthew 6:8, 32

Luke 11:11-13

Matthew 7:7-11

John 15:7

1 John 5: 14, 15

Mark 11:24

James 4:1-5

John 16:23, 24



The second step to receiving answers to your prayers is to ask God for what you want and believe that you receive it.

    1. God knows what you need before you ask (Matthew 6:8, 32).
    2. You must continue to come before Him and ask Him for what you want.
    3. You are the one who is responsible for asking.
    4. God is a loving Father who wants to answer your requests (Luke 11:11-13; Matthew 7:7-11).
    1. Create an atmosphere for answered prayer by abiding in God and allowing His Word to abide in you (John 15:7).
    1. The will of God is the Word of God.
    2. When you know the Word of God, you will have confidence that what you pray is in line with His will (1 John 5:14, 15).
    1. You will have those things that you believe you receive.
      1. Wrong motives, wrong intentions and selfishness will hinder your prayers from being answered (James 4:1-5).
      2. Pray for others and your prayers will be answered.
      1. Believe God for the finished work.
        1. Use your faith to pull it out of the unseen (spiritual) realm and into the natural.
        2. The spiritual realm is more real than the natural realm.




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Seven Steps to Answered Prayer: Step Three


Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Sunday, February 11, 2007 11:00 AM


Scripture References

1 Peter 5:8

James 4:7

Philippians 2:5, AMP

Proverbs 23:7

Numbers 13:30

Colossians 3:2




The third step to answered prayer is to be positive in your thinking. Make sure your thinking is in line with God's Word. Keep your mind on the answer and let every thought, feeling and emotion confirm that you have the answer you have prayed.

    1. Keep your thinking in line with God's Word.
    2. Be positive about your prayer coming to pass.
          1. Doubt happens when you take a second thought.
          2. Doubt is based in fear.
        1. In order to do this, you must know what the Word says.
        1. The devil's most powerful weapon is suggestion.
        2. The devil seeks to devour those who do not know the Word.
    1. You must know what is written in the Word to receive answers to your prayers.
    2. The answer to your prayers is the Word of God.
        1. Without the Word you won't have anything to anchor you and you will be more likely to respond with your emotions.
        2. When doubt arises, most likely it is because you have taken your mind off the Word.
      1. You are under the influence if you are influenced by anything other than the Word of God.
    1. You will not be able to resist the devil without the Word of God.
      1. You don't fight the devil with physical weapons.
      2. You defeat Satan with the Word.
    1. Jesus had the mind of God.
        1. Your attitude determines how far you go in life.
        2. Caleb had a great attitude (Numbers 13:30).
      1. Satan operates in the natural realm.
      2. The Word of God is higher than everything in this natural realm.
      1. You won't see fruitfulness without thankfulness.




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Seven Steps to Answered Prayer: Step Four


Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Sunday, February 18, 2007 7:30 AM


Scripture References

Isaiah 55:8-11

2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Matthew 6:25-31

Matthew 15:19

Proverbs 4:20-27

Philippians 4:8




The fourth step to answered prayer is to guard your mind against every evil thought that causes you to doubt God's Word. You must cast down negative thoughts and suggestions by speaking the Word of God. Your thoughts are governed by your observations, associations and the teachings you receive.

    1. When you read and meditate on God's Word, your mind will begin to take on God's thoughts. As a result, you will know His ways and the path He has for your life.
    2. Holiness is having the mind of God.
    3. God's Word will change your thinking, produce success and propel your life to a higher level.
    1. The Word of God will pull down any stronghold (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).
      1. It is a fortified thought.
      2. It is the root to any addictive behavior that exists in a person's life.
    2. Strongholds develop as a result of an established thought pattern, which is protected by your personal belief system. (Ex: gossiping, fornication, pornography, overeating, etc.)
    3. The key to freedom from addiction is attacking the stronghold in your mind with the Word of God. Willpower alone will not free you.
    4. Identify the strongholds in your life.
    5. Cast down strongholds of self-defeating thoughts and eliminate images of failure.
      1. You don't have to speak every thought that comes to your mind.
      2. Your mouth sets your course in life.
      3. Cast down thoughts by speaking the Word of God.
    1. Many Christians blame God or the devil for the strongholds they have developed, but we all have the responsibility to not allow evil thoughts to remain in our minds.
    2. Be mindful of the words you speak.
    1. There are three entrances to the heart: the eyes, the ears and the mouth.
    2. Your heart is the ground that will produce the "word seed" you plant, whether negative or positive. Words have the potential to produce a harvest in your life (Proverbs 4:20-27).
    3. The law of receiving says that anything that enters your heart in abundance will overwhelm and overcome your life when acted upon.
    4. The right seed will grow the right harvest.
    5. The words you have allowed in your heart have produced the issues you are dealing with now.
        1. Your environment shapes the way you think.
      1. What do you do in your free time?
        1. The people you associate with the most will have a strong impact on your life.




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7 Steps to Answered Prayer: Step 5


Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Sunday, February 25, 2007 11:00 AM


Scripture References

Joshua 1:8

Genesis 11:5, 6

Psalm 112:1-7

Psalm 1:1

Psalm 77:12

Psalm 39:3

1Timothy 4:13

Proverbs 4:20



Meditating on God's Word is a critical step to receiving answers to your prayers. You must see yourself successful before you will actually experience success. Use your imagination as a tool to frame your future. Become consumed with what God has said in His Word.

    1. To meditate is to dwell on something in thought, or turn it over in your mind, to ponder.
    2. Meditate on God's Word day and night, then you will make your way prosperous and have success in life and the affairs of this world (Joshua 1:8).
    3. Meditating on God's promises will lead you down the path to true prosperity.
      1. It becomes effortless to do what God has said when you know what He has said.
      2. Become consumed with God's Word.
      1. If you can see yourself doing something, you can achieve it.
      2. Don't stop meditating on God's Word until you can see yourself doing what the Word says.
      3. See yourself successful.
    1. Your imagination is a tool you use to forcibly bring an absent object before your mind's eye.
    2. Too often, we use the imagination for the devil's purposes instead of God's purposes.
      1. In the account of the building of the Tower of Babel, God had to interrupt the people's plans because what they imagined to do was about to become a reality.
    1. God promises wealth and riches for the righteous person
      (Psalm 112:1-7).
    2. When your heart is fixed and established on God's promises, they will become yours.
    3. You can expect success when you are rooted and grounded in God's Word.
    4. If you want to be successful, don't receive ungodly counsel
      (Psalm 1:1).
      1. To mutter is to speak things quietly.
      1. Meditate in Hebrew means to speak.
      2. Talk of God's doings in your life.
      3. Meditation and the words you speak are directly linked
        (Psalm 77:12).
      1. To muse the Word is to ponder it. Squeeze all the juice out of the Scriptures.
      2. Spend time meditating the Word until others can tell that you are consumed with it.
    1. Focus on God's Word on a continual basis (Proverbs 4:20).
    2. Allow God's Word to dwell in you and it will become a reality in your life.




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Seven Steps to Answered Prayer: Step Six


Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Sunday, March 04, 2007 11:00 AM


Scripture References

Philippians 4:6

1 Thessalonians 5:14-18

Luke 17:17-19

Romans 1:18-32

Hebrews 13:15

Numbers 11:1




Thanksgiving is a powerful force that releases God to change your situations and circumstances. We are to give thanks in every situation we find ourselves. Thankfulness equals fruitfulness, but ungratefulness hinders what God can do for you. Instead of worrying about things, give God thanks.

    1. Worry is a negative form of meditation.
    2. When you take your cares upon yourself rather than giving them to God, you crown yourself god of your life.
    3. Don't have anxiety about anything.
    4. Thanking God when you pray demonstrates that you trust Him in advance for the answer.
    5. Thanksgiving opens doors of opportunity for you.
    6. Anything that is in God's hands will be taken care of.
    7. Worry will hinder what God can do for you.
      1. While you are going through challenging times, thank God for what He has already done for you and reflect on His goodness.
    1. Thanksgiving will work as a force to rearrange things in your life.
    2. Don't allow pride, fear and anxiety to set in.
    3. Thank God first.
      1. Thanksgiving caused what was missing to be restored in his life.
    1. When you are ungrateful, and refuse to acknowledge God, you align your life with the forces of darkness (Romans 1:18-32).
    2. No matter what you are going through, there is a way out. Begin to thank God.
      1. Jesus was able to multiply loaves of bread and fish when He gave thanks to God (Matthew 15:36, 37).
    3. Give thanks with your lips (Hebrews 13:15).
      1. God is displeased with murmuring and complaining
        (Numbers 11:1).
      2. Train yourself to walk in thanksgiving and use it as a force to change your life.




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Seven Steps to Answered Prayer: Step Seven


Dr. Creflo A. Dollar

Sunday, March 11, 2007 11:00 AM


Scripture References

Romans 12:3

Isaiah 43:25, 26




The seventh step to answered prayer is to make every prayer a statement of faith. Plead your case before God and only speak words of faith so you don't cancel what you have prayed. Refuse to speak words of doubt and unbelief.

      1. Every person has been given the measure of faith and can receive answers to his or her prayers (Romans 12:3).
    1. Speaking faith words and thinking faith thoughts will lead your heart out of defeat into victory.
      1. It is possible to undo your prayers by speaking doubt-filled words.
      1. Expectation is the atmosphere for miracles.
    1. Remind God of what you've asked Him for.
      1. Search the Scriptures for the promises that support what you are praying for.
    2. Tell God what you are expecting.
    3. Thank God for the answer.




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